School of Christian Living

Sunday School, known in the PNCC as the SOCL (School of Christian Living), is for children in Kindergarten through 8th grade. SOCL meets each Sunday after Holy Mass in the SOCL room located in the church hall. Parents may enjoy fellowship at our coffee hour while the children are in Sunday School. Please join us this Sunday!

Our SOCL teachers are:

Tara Broczkowski, Grades 1 – 8
Jennifer Anderson, Kindergarten and Preschool

Please contact us if you have any questions or feedback!

Please complete our registration form to sign up for SOCL.

SOCL topics include:

  • History of the Polish National Catholic Church (PNCC)
  • The Structure of the Holy Mass
  • The Catechism of the PNCC
  • The Sacraments
  • Devotions and Prayers
  • The Bible
  • Teachings and Practices of the Church
  • Solemnities of the PNCC
  • Songs and Worship

SOCL Activities include:

  • Service Projects – Students choose Christian service projects during the year to share their faith and talents with others. Recently, students chose “gifts” they wished to purchase for children in need from across the world using the Samaritan’s Purse Christmas catalog. In order to earn the money, they made and sold Polish star ornaments handcrafted out of paper. The students raised $75 which was used to purchase an individual water purifier, several “Jesus Loves Me” Lambs for children, and a donation for Orphan Support.
  • Christmas Pageant – SOCL students as well as the young adults of the parish performed a Christmas Eve mini-musical called “Tell the Good News, Jesus is Born!”, the story of Jesus’ birth through the eyes of the shepherds.
  • Easter Egg Hunt and Lunch – The Annual Easter Egg Hunt will be held again this year. Mark your calendars for Palm Sunday, March 24th, at 1 pm. The event will be held outdoors, weather permitting. Lunch and games will be held prior to the hunt! All parish children as well as guests are welcome to this fun event. Please sign up in the church narthex, or by E-mail with the names and ages of the children attending.